Principles of Business Management
This course introduces 21st Century business management. It pays special attention to managing start-ups and new initiatives. By way of case studies, role play, and group projects, participants learn how entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and their teams understand the complex situations they face, strategize, and then create business models enabling them to innovate continuously. All sessions of the course offer opportunities for participants to learn to design systems of human activity in a “hands-on” fashion, using the cloud-based technical platforms that distinguish this century’s businesses from all of their predecessors.
Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to:
-Participate in “management” as a collaborative practice of organizing systems of human activity in turbulent environments.
-Co-design, develop, and test “branding”, that is, marketing objectives and images for a new product or service.
-Co-design, develop, and walk-thru (or “pitch”) to investors a model for a new business, including its marketing, operational, and financial objectives.
-Participate in “management” as a collaborative practice of organizing systems of human activity in turbulent environments.
-Co-design, develop, and test “branding”, that is, marketing objectives and images for a new product or service.
-Co-design, develop, and walk-thru (or “pitch”) to investors a model for a new business, including its marketing, operational, and financial objectives.
If you are new to business and/or you would like a solid, practical understanding of entrepreneurship, then this course is for you. It should also be useful to individuals thinking about joining a start-up or a “fast company”, such as employees of traditional corporations, as well as professionals, technical people, or “creatives” working alone.
Introduction to Business (Online materials -Students can view the materials online and / or download it as a PDF )
John Foster
2007年からTUJ生涯教育プログラムにおいて、人事マネジメント、組織における行動理論、パフォーマンス・マネジメントと人事考課を専門として数多くのビジネスマネジメント関連コースを担当してきた。テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパスと法政大学で准教授、ブリティッシュコロンビア工科大学 (BCIT) 経営学の名誉客員教授も務める。幅広い経歴を持ち、投資金融、情報システム、企業研修、ジャーナリズム、マーケティングとPR、eコマース経営、事業の立ち上げと管理など、多岐にわたる分野で活躍してきた。さらにマイクロソフト社でプロジェクトマネージャー、日本トイザらス社でPRを担当。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学で経済学の学士号、ディーキン大学でMBAを取得している。また、Human Resource Management (SHRM) の会員でもある。旅行とコメディをこよなく愛し、これまでに2冊の本を出版、今後も出版を予定している。